Monday, 13 December 2010

So the government wants to empower communities, how do we make that happen?

The government's 'essential guide' to today's Localism and Decentralisation Bill sets out six steps to moving from Big Government to Big Society. The second step is: 'Empower communities to do things their way – by creating rights for people to get involved with, and direct the development of, their communities.'

What do you think needs to happen to make this community empowerment a reality?
We will send on a summary of comments to decision makers in the South West and central government.

Last month 200 people gathered in Taunton to explore the idea of 'Big Society' and what it might mean for community empowerment. They came up with the actions that need to be taken to empower people. Here's a selection of what they said:

Actions for central government:
  • Recognise different needs across different communities
  • Establish basic values for Big Society on the understanding that without them localism may well be a mandate for minimalism... and inequality
  • Be directive to those councils that cut community funding
Actions for local government:
  • Create the infrastructure, as per Wiltshire Council model.
  • Support those who are least equipped to get involved or have voice heard through education, literacy, confidence building etc
  • Listen to Prime Minister and do not cut grants to voluntary sector support organisations as a quick way to make savings
Actions for communities:
  • Establish a community forum/structure if Parish council isn't effective
  • Don't reinvent the wheel, look around to existing models and enhance what's already there
  • Be aware communities are not just geographic - recognise diversity and be inclusive
Actions for individuals:
  • Find your own cause, champion it and get involved, don't let the bigots shout the loudest.
  • Recognise that you can make a difference, however small the contribution
  • Think about how you can work with yout community within your own capacity

Read more:
Read a full report of the day, download presentations and watch videos of the conference on the Creating Excellence website. Read comments from delegates about Minister Nick Hurd's non-attendance, the 'Big Society' concept, planning, older people's participation and other issues here and here.

Over to you...
  • What do you think?
  • Were you at the conference, what actions did you recommend for central and local government, individuals and communities?
  • What do you think of the Localism and Decentralisation Bill, or other things government is doing? Will they empower communities?
  • What needs to be done to make community empowerment a reality?
We will send on a summary of comments to central government and key decision makers in the South West. If you would like to write a whole post rather than just a comment please contact us.


  1. I work for a national children's charity and quick poll of LAs around play services reveal frightening numbers about to be completely cut or facing at least 60% cuts. Many trustees of unincorporated charities now facing personal liability because contracts cut with just couple of weeks notice but staff have been employed for 20 years, so due at least 20 weeks pay as redundancy. If this is even to begin to work LAs have to protect the charities working on the front line, give them at least a year to find alternative funding and create the climate that supports and nurtures entrepreneurship and new ways of thinking from the voluntary sector, and help to set up the financial structures to deal with mixed economy. Or at least some way to protect the key skills base like the youth worker that constantly helps those borderline teenagers get the lives they want, the parenting worker that stops the distraught mum from despairing, the playworker that keeps the adventure playground open at all hours and in all weathers so there is a safe place to play locally. If these skills are lost now it will take many, many years to redevelop them if ever.

  2. I've a Project called CAN-do Project, a social enterprise, our next funding kicks in end Jan '11.

    We promote small local business on Hoardings (2.7m x1.6m) with rental incentives for the creation of work posts.

    25% of sites are donated to local charity or good causes. Revenue can also be donated by promoting larger business on these sites. (DV promotion used for proof of project idea, 170 responses in first 3 months, "I can't believe the response" local DV coordinator.

    Local business already wnting to 'block book' space.

    Funding will be available in each area of take up after first 6 months.

    Francis Maude MP - 'innovative'

    Start up areas around Wakefield council ares.

    Anyone interested in geting involved? Key workers will be employed, 'franchise type' oportunity for the right people.


  3. Thanks 'Play is important', yes that's very worrying, and I heard recently that many of the play buses that provide essential outreach to Gypsy and Traveller communities are being cut too. See the video by Reverand Roger Redding for more info on this at
