Monday 28 March 2011

People Powered Change

Jumping through hoops is how lottery applicants often describe their experience.  I wonder if David Robinson of Community Links had this in mind when in his motivational talk to conclude the Big Lottery Fund’s People Powered Change event at the Lowry Centre in Manchester on Friday he described how dolphins learn to jump through hoops held high in the air by going through them in the water to reach their food, then find them raised inch by inch.

Friday 11 March 2011

Now it's down to us to Keep Empowerment Working...

It's now a month since eighty of us packed into a buzzing conference room at Keeping Empowerment Working to think about how we measure and communicate the impact of the work that we do. The memory that has stayed with me was the strong sense of shared values that ran through the day, and the motivation that seemed to generate. I'm still delighted we chose the community-owned Southville Centre, as it's such a great example of what people can do when they work together. Thanks go to the speakers and workshop presenters who inspired and challenged us. The key points that resonated for me are:

Thursday 10 March 2011

Research that pays off

Young mothers, people with current or recent experience of using local drug treatment services, community champions from Upper Horfield in Bristol, survivors of domestic abuse, and community activists from Torbay don’t sound like people who’d want to celebrate together.  But they and more found much to share at a networking day yesterday organised by South West Foundation to bring together groups which had all completed Community Researcher training.