Thursday, 23 December 2010

Festive Fun - buy the teeshirt, bust a barrier & be there...

In case the festive season is overwhelming and you feel that you really must get back out into the Big Society, here are a few ideas to keep you occupied without even lifting your fingers from the keyboard:

Monday, 13 December 2010

So the government wants to empower communities, how do we make that happen?

The government's 'essential guide' to today's Localism and Decentralisation Bill sets out six steps to moving from Big Government to Big Society. The second step is: 'Empower communities to do things their way – by creating rights for people to get involved with, and direct the development of, their communities.'

What do you think needs to happen to make this community empowerment a reality?
We will send on a summary of comments to decision makers in the South West and central government.

Keeping Empowerment Working Event

A date for your diary - full details to be circulated soon

Keeping Empowerment Working - making the case for empowerment
Southville Centre, Bristol on Thursday, 10th February 2011.

A one day learning and networking event for people involved with the Empowerment Good Practice Programme, Targeted Support for Empowerment and Participation Improvement (TSEPI) projects and Empowering Communities partners.

Focusing on:
  • How to evidence the links between empowerment, wellbeing and economic recovery.
  • Tools and confidence to stay motivated and to motivate others in times of change.
There will be keynote speakers, a variety of workshops to choose from and plenty of opportunity to network and share. Places will be limited so please put the date in your diary now and look out for further information coming soon!

To register your interest in the event please email
Zebra Collective

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

REWARDING Excellence!

The recent REWARDS Ceremony organised by Creating Excellence was both inspiring and a timely reminder of what works – and what matters - in regeneration. The REWARDS recognise and celebrate innovative approaches to regeneration, urban design, sustainable development, quality of place, community cohesion or community empowerment.

A total of seven projects were shortlisted from 14 nominees, with two winners and five Commendations for Exemplary Practice. All seven demonstrate a fundamental principle of successful regeneration projects which can perhaps be best summed up as "Nothing About Us Without Us!" Whether nominees are the recipients of major funds or run on belief, enterprise and enthusiasm, all hold one thing in common: local people at the heart of decisions and delivery.

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Skills Framework for Community Leaders

Councillors in South Gloucestershire will meet on 14th December to finalise a Community Leadership skills framework. The sub group of elected members, all of whom are active community leaders developed the framework during two workshops facilitated by the Zebra Collective as part of the Empowering Good Practice Programme. The draft framework headings include: Effective personal organisation; Excellent communication skills; High aspirational values; Local knowledge - know and understand your community; Understanding the system and unlocking it for others and Inspirational leadership. For more information contact or watch this blog.