Community Empowerment in the South West
What we know and what’s next
Wednesday 29th June 2011 - Albemarle Centre, Taunton
Video Broadcast:
10.30 - 11:40 What we know, part one - Chair for the day, Dominic Murphy of Creating Excellence introduces a series of perspectives national and regional, including:
- Renee Smith-Gorringe, Cabinet Office
- Isabel Livingstone, South West Forum
- Sue Martin and Lesley Wagstaff, REACT Consortium, the evaluators of the Empowering Communities programme
Seven people who know what works in empowerment demonstrate techniques they have used which you may be able to use too, includes videos.
- Bernice Thompson, on Gloucestershire community ambassadors
- Jinny Uppington, Equality South West, including film clip
- Michelle Virgo, Zebra Co-operative
- Rosa Watkin, on Community Researchers training, including film clip
- Linda Poole, Dawn Rivers & Von Matheson, Take Part Exeter (Exeter CVS)
- Alistair Beattie, Faithnetsouthwest, including film clip
- Leslie Silverlock, Participatory Budgeting Unit
- Ruth Townsley, Locality, on community organisers
- Sophie Ballinger and Emma Lees, CDX on Our Society network
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