Tuesday, 12 July 2011

What we know and what works - update

Over 70 people gathered to discuss the past and future of empowerment in the region at this sell-out event on 29th June at the Albemarle Centre, Taunton. Visit the Creating Excellence website for speakers presentations, list of delegates and more.
The afternoon session got people talking about their successes and achievements, hopes and aspirations and generated a long list of resources, contacts and offers (Word file).

Some of the ones that stood out for me are:
  • Hele's Angels: Come and visit and we will tell you how we did it. See how the shop works and how the community are involved.
  • Bournemouth's councillor shadowing project encouraged candidates from different backgrounds. Contact andy.williams at bournemouth.gov.uk
  • The midsummer fiesta in Montpellier (Cheltenham) - an annual multicultural citizens day event organised by a group of interested people and supported by volunteers.
  • “Finding your voice: Influencing with integrity” workbook / guide (free) to community groups £10 to LAs and other organisations Ruth.townsley at locality.org.uk
  • Community-led planning. How to go about it and get funding for it. www.commonplaces.co.uk
  • Persuade your elected members to use the localism tools – they'll like them. Guide being produced by lesliesilverlock at groupwork.com

Lots more resources at:

Not surprisingly, the many “what needs doing and what inspires us” circles had a strong emphasis on inclusion, bringing people together and making new links. Individual and community learning were identified as key processes. So, as I didn't participate in the activity, I'll include a link to what Zebra offers in relation to that here. I also a noticed a call for better recognition of soft outcomes and better ways of evidencing them. The Charities Evaluation Service has some good resources on this.

To all who were there – a reminder to take that first step towards making it happen...

And whoever wrote that the environmental sector doesn't know how to engage communities: contact me (email michelle at zebra.coop or @michellevirgo – lets do something about it!

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