We talked about how infrastructure organisations need to be effective at influencing local authorities to improve community engagement, and how they also have to be good at listening to their own members so that they can represent them accurately, particularly the most marginalised groups. For me there are essentially three main roles for infrastructure organisations in terms of voice and influence:
- influence public bodies to improve the relationship between voluntary and community groups and the public sector
- listen to voluntary and community groups and be open to influence from them
- help voluntary and community groups to influence public authorities themselves.
By the end of the day we were all pretty tired, having had a lot of brain-exercise! But I don't think I was alone in feeling energised and inspired too. Without wanting to be too mushy, it was a real priviledge to be in a room with so many people really experienced at the challenges and complexities of proper, effective community empowerment.
It also fired me up to use the Voice and Echo tools that the day was based around. I already know a bit about Voice, which is a tool to help community groups become more influential, but it really made me want to learn more about Echo, which helps public bodies be more open to influence. If there's enough interest I'd like to organise a training on Echo too.
How you can get involved:
- find out more about Voice and Echo
- attend the two-day Voice and Echo for Infrastructure organisations training on 23-24 June in Taunton
- attend a two-day Voice Facilitator Training on 28-29 June in Sheffield organised by CDX
- approach your local authority about using the Echo tool to improve community engagment (in the South West Berkeley Wilde and Wiltshire Infrastructure Consortium may be able to offer this training)
- read a blog from another of the workshop's participants, Lorna Prescott from Dosti in Dudley, on Changes Voice and Echo online network
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