Friday, 21 January 2011

Making the Case for Empowerment

Keeping Empowerment Working Event

Southville Centre, Bristol, Thursday, 10th February 2011.

A free one day learning event focusing on:
  • Making the economic, social and environmental case for empowerment.
  • How to evidence the links between empowerment, wellbeing and economic recovery.
  • Tools and confidence to stay motivated and to motivate others in times of change.
Places are limited. If you would like to attend please pre-register your interest and contact details to

We are pleased to confirm the following speakers:

Simon Burall, Director, Involve - Simon will focus on the economic case for empowerment: How can we convince budget-holders and government that the work we are doing is value for money, especially in difficult economic times?

Sue Warr, Programme Manager, Dorset POPP - Sue will focus on the social case for empowerment: Making reference to Dorset POPP - What have been the real benefits to people's lives, how they have measured the economic and environmental benefits and the important reasons why we do this work, especially in difficult economic times. Sue will also facilitate a workshop in the afternoon on the methods used to measure the economic benefits.

Peter Lipman, Chair of Trustees for Transition Network and Policy Director of Sustrans - Peter will focus on the environmental case for empowerment: Building more resilient communities and stronger local economies has been the Transition approach to the dual challenge of peak oil and climate change. Peter will draw on the experience of this international grassroots movement to make the links between empowerment and the environment and will draw attention to the ways in which public agencies and community led initiatives can work fruitfully together towards shared aims.

There will also be a variety of workshops to choose from, including practical tools for measuring the impact of empowerment work and plenty of opportunity to network and share.

This event is aimed at people involved with the Empowerment Good Practice Programme, Targeted Support for Empowerment and Participation Improvement (TSEPI) projects and Empowering Communities partners - who will receive priority places – however others are welcome to apply for a place.

For the event programme, workshop details and a booking form please follow this link to the Creating Excellence website:

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